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  • 类型:软件开发工具
  • 语言:"EN"
  • 评分:0.000
  • 厂商:Daniel Duan
  • 是否收费:免费
  • 更新时间:2024-02-10 19:52:56
  • 标签: 软件开发工具
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Why DrString?

Why? Because there are many ways to get a docstring \"right\":

- should descriptions for different parameters vertically align with each other?

- should an empty line separate parameters' and return value's description?

- should keywords such as `returns` begin with an upper case?

You get it. It's hard enough to write documentation. Keeping it in an consistent format is even harder.

DrString makes it easy: you can pick an style for all the details, and it formats your docstrings for you.

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